NAJJ 2017 is an event where all puzzlers from all throughout North America join together to assemble puzzles and share in their love of this activity. Click on this link to find a list of all eligible countries and territories throughout North America...
Participating Countries and Territories of North AmericaThis will be the first time we are holding this event... but hopefully it will be something we look forward to EVERY year!
It will begin on January 29th, International Puzzle Day, and continue through April 30th.
If you are over the age of 16, puzzles must be at least 1,500 pieces but no than 5.000 pieces.This event is meant to not only unify us in our love of puzzling, but also to challenge us, so no puzzles less than 1,500 pieces please. Also... puzzles more than 5000 pieces may not end up getting finished in the allotted time frame.
For those players under the age of 16, puzzles with 500 pieces to 1,500 pieces will be accepted.
An album will be created exclusively for YOU to post pictures of your puzzles, BOTH finished and in process. PLEASE do not post them on the main page... I will have to delete them. You will be provided with a link YOUR ALBUM when you are registered.
Registration will BEGIN on DECEMBER 1st and will continue ONLY through FEBRUARY 2ND at which point registration for The North American Jigsaw Jubilee in 2017 will be CLOSED.... so PLEASE REGISTER EARLY!!! There will be no late registrations.
To register, simply send a message of request to the
North American Jigsaw Jubilee 2017 (NAJJ 2017).
PLEASE include your FULL name, the Country or Territory you live in and the city or province you will be representing, and your age. If you are registering as a team,,, I need to know how many players are on the team and It would be great if you could also include a "team name". "Like" it if you are so inclined and want to receive notifications in your news feed.
There will be lots of FUN PRIZES which will awarded under MANY categories. We will also have raffles. To receive an entry to be included in the raffles, you simply have to participate and complete at least 1 puzzle. Prizes will be donated by either the wonderful members of this group or the various generous and amazing puzzle companies I have contacted.
Group members are also creating & donating puzzle related merchandise to sell in order to cover the shipping costs associated with the delivery of the prizes. This event will always be FREE, so if you would like to show your support, please consider purchasing something from this album...