Sun, sand, mojitos and... Jigsaw puzzle 🙂

Terrifying challenge this morning : still a little sleepy, Cathy gave me this cute little box : - "have a look at this amazing jigsaw puzzle we found in London during the New Market Championship.
(which by the way our ambassadors won in the pairs category 🙂 )!

And it was so true : this is really an amazing little jigsaw puzzle to make : 40 pieces and that's it ! But hey not any pieces, all sorts of forms among the most original ones (lawnmower, watering can...).
Obviously I didn't push the "competition button" (by the way, I really don't know how our competitors can manage it but so much concentration is needed during championships, they really are so gifted) I would say between 10 to 15 minutes max (I can notice one is beginning to laugh by there) it was in all ways very pleasant to make it.
No fuss, different and one you can achieve even during an amazing sunny summer day in Brussels before catching the towel, bathing suit and flip flops, and go to the beach to drink a Mojito under the shade of an umbrella !!!