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Jigsaw Puzzle, our passion.
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Two passionate develop a learning game,

"Ah, la grammaire en Puzzle..."


Behind this title, hiding a leisure-educational concept, a friendship, a project and a human adventure.

Ah, la grammaire en puzzle (2)

The adventure begins in Belgium, where Caroline is studying at the "Haute École" of the Province of Liege, to be Speech Therapist . She met Mélanie following the same course in the same university.

For his final thesis study "Welcome to the French oral syntax!" Caroline creates a pictorial material which allows it to stimulate 4 children of Turkish origin....


Today, both graduates, they are installed and work separately. Melanie Perin stayed at Liege where she is a Speech therapist in the Royal Institute for Disabled Hearing and Sight IRHOV .

Caroline Imperato exercises in the south of France where she opened her speech therapist office.


Their years of study sealed a strong friendship and a common project. Develop and publish materials developed in the Caroline final thesis.



"Use the puzzle has allowed us to reproduce the Turkish syntax surface structure which is an agglutinative language and bring a playful dimension. Our work has validated our hypothesis: the materials created would address the shortcomings inherent in the situation of bilingualism in children of Turkish origin. "

Since we consider present a version of the hardware more "For All".

You will see by yourself, it is quite possible to induce a grammatical awareness among toddlers.

Moreover, this material is completely adaptable to children who can read.

Play and practice grammar is possible!



Ah, la grammaire en puzzle (4)

A Speech therapist colleague, Michele Weber, seduced by the Project has completed the team. A graphic designer, Jean-Baptiste Pollien also joined  the team to perfect the visual, the prototype is ready, hand-made, cut with the jigsaw and will be presented at the next International Games Festival in Cannes (south of France).

 A part of the production could be done by the carpentry section of IRHOV

(Royal Institute For Handicapped People of Hearing and Sight) - Allowing disabled youth to get involved in the adventure.

"Children who help other children"

what a nice reciprocity!



Discover the original concept of Caroline Imperato & Melanie Perin at the  International Games Festival in Cannes and test their game.


The concept


Learn to make simple sentences, grammatically correct and have fun. Induce grammatical consciousness in infants


The main aim of the game


Develop the syntax on both sides understanding & expression and build vocabulary (various selected themes such as fruits & vegetables, school supplies, clothing and crafts).


The main game mechanics


Each unit of a sentence is represented by a pictorial piece, abstract or written.

The goal is to create a pictorial sentence and / or written form of puzzle where the pieces vary in shape and color according to their nature and their grammatical function.

These pieces fit into each other from side to side like a small linear puzzle to bring a playful dimension. Wooden parts are created "generic / bosses" reproducing the different structures. Images of the same forms are to be placed on these wooden foundations.

A reward system is proposed to encourage the child.

The Sayings of the puzzle pieces are designated to verify, first, vocabulary and grammar induced.

Then, handling allows to build simple sentences correctly.

The idea is therefore to provide the correct sentence structures both auditory and visual fashion.



The originality of the game


Ah, la grammaire en puzzle (1)

  • Use the puzzle as support
  • visually represent the nature and functions of words
  • induce grammatical consciousness from the 2nd year of kindergarten
  •   allow parents to help boost their (s) child (ren)
  •   reduce segmentation problems (cutting) during the transition to writing
  • prevent any difficulties in grammar in kindergarten
  • prevent difficulties in oral language
  • the variety of possible constructions of sentences
  • the possible use of smileys to encourage the child (reward system)
  • is aimed at both pre-readers and readers ...
  • and potential collaboration with an institute for young handicapped people (s) for the creation of the timber of the material!


*Travail de fin d’études, 2008-2009. Bienvenue dans la syntaxe orale française ! Création d’un matériel imagé qui permet de stimuler 4 enfants d’origine turque âgés de 4 ;10 à 5 ;6 ans – Mention obtenue : Bien



see more on Gramzzle

Caroline IMPERATO Cabinet d’orthophonie
4 allée Saint Pons 06460 St VALLIER de THIEY

Mélanie PERIN Logopède au sein de l’IRHOV 4000 LIEGE

Michèle WEBER  Cabinet d’orthophonie 
Espace la Para 06460 St VALLIER de THIEY

Jean-Baptiste POLLIEN Illustrateur