Le Jeu est le travail de l’enfant. (Jean Chateau *).
Game is the Child's work
Game holds a very essential part in Child development. It enables children understanding and taming the surrounding world, comprehending its functioning and acting in any situation that may occur.
Game enables Child socialization.

Puzzles in Early Child Development Kit
In the Early Child Development Kit, 5 out of the 16 games proposed are Puzzles.
Intended for the little ones, the kit is a recreational and teaching material created by UNICEF in order to improve support for the young children caught in conflicts and emergency.

A simple and well ilustrated activity guide explains how to use each item depending on children's age and interest.
This box is filled with puzzles and games. Puzzles in order to learn to count, recognize shapes, stimulate imagination, box to stack and sort, paintings, books and puppets for storytelling, drawing material, soap and water container for promoting hygiene.
Find out below the pages dedicated to puzzles from the UNICEF activity guide :

Access to complete activity guide
A Treasure Box of Activities
*Jean CHATEAU (17/07/1908 – 04/08/1990), was a professor of psychology, philosophy, doctor in literature and Director of the Institute of psychological and psychosocial studies - university of Bordeaux, specialist of game and child education.