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Jigsaw Puzzle, our passion.
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Unfortunately not, this is just a catch line, works are expected to be completed by 2026...

A while ago, friends were challenged. Cathy did well the Sagrada Famila 3D


Here is what she shared:

A new challenge for We are puzzled !  3D puzzle.


Personally I only did a 3D puzzle once before and I did not like it at all, especially the quality of the pieces. But in this case, I found the idea quite amusing. To start with, the pieces have a nice touch: it’s a mix of cardboard and foam, which makes them flexible and resistant at the same time.

The pieces are numbered and attached to several cardboards in a mess. An instructions sheet is provided and you only have to follow the different steps. You look for the needed pieces and assemble them by number. At the end it made me think more about an Ikea kit than anything else… As I enjoy assembling kits I had fun, but frankly it does not have a lot in common with jigsaw puzzles.

What do you expect from this puzzle?

Just a pastime? Quality? A nice object? Or to entertain your children during a rainy afternoon?

Beware: although the box clearly states “from 6 years old”, I strongly advise against it: the pieces sill are fragile and small, and it’s not always easy to assemble the different parts: you need some dexterity and patience.
So you can always give the cardboards to your children so they remove the pieces, but they will quickly get bored if they cannot participate in putting up the building. Most of all, you take the risk of having all the pieces muddled up without their numbers to help, and then good luck…

As for the quality, as already mentioned the pieces are agreeable but the quality is not very good; however we are talking about a puzzle that costs 9 €, so you cannot expect much more and in fact it is even a quite good quality-price relation. 

Finally (and this is my personal opinion but shared with several of my friends…), it is not very beautiful once finished… 🙂 And we face a very difficult question: what to do with it? Because as per the quality and the concept of this toy, it is not an option to dismantle it and keep it for a later usage… So we play hide-and-seek with my friends for the rest of the weekend, each one trying to pass this “Sagrada Familia” discreetly to the other one in order to get rid of it.

So thanks to this game, we had 2 hours of fun while assembling it, and this was the start point for lots of laugh for the next 48 hours.

Thanks Ale-Hop 🙂