In the series "Never without my puzzle", here we are again, this time with an experience 100% Caribbean !
This year holidays were dedicated to complete idleness… but this did not mean that we would not give ourselves over to the joys of our favorite hobby. First we mocked a bit in the French side of the Island of Saint-Martin; after having found some second hand shops that had in stock some jigsaw puzzles in bad shape and/or uninteresting, we visited on a Sunday morning a small garage sale next to Marigot’s port, for 2 Euros, we bought "The Fisherman’s house" (painting from Henri Deuil), from the brand Druon.

In the evening, we settled in our terrasse over the beach, with our aperitif which included rhum of course, and we started to assemble pieces.
That night there was the first and only storm of our holidays, and although the rain was neither cold nor much, we had to take our puzzle back inside the house.
But on the next morning we took it out again while we had our breakfast. Despite the poor state of the puzzle and the missing piece, it is a true delight to assemble puzzles in such a wonderful environment! The result in the sunlight and with a beach panorama in the background is just fantastic 🙂